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Building Destination Loyalty Using Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Image: A Holistic Conceptual Framework
Abderrahim Chenini, University of Ghardaia, Algeria
Mustapha Touaiti, University of Ghardaia, Algeria
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 37-43.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66717-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490491
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Regardless of the value of destination loyalty in both academia and industry, the conceptual development of literature is restricted. This present work seeks to build up a holistic conceptual framework responds to how tourist perception, destination image, satisfaction, and often related attributes can play the main role in destination loyalty. By analyzing the above crucial factors and highlight its implication in destination loyalty. In addition, provide insight into the creation of destination image and in further stage tourist loyalty. The holistic conceptual framework is developed within this research endeavour. The conceptual framework is articulated as one might hope based on tourist demand and supply factors and tourist perception, destination image (organic, induced, and complex image), and the above crucial factors comprising tourist loyalty and how each one of them can be more interactive. The outcomes of the study achieve remarkable theoretical and managerial implications for destination marketing supervisors.
Tourist satisfaction, Cognitive image, Destination image, Destination loyalty
JEL Classification:
M31, Z32, Z33
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