Submit Manuscript


Submissions are accepted only in electronic form; authors are requested to submit manuscripts (full research papers, case studies and research notes) through the state of the art eReviewer online submission and peer-review management system used by JTHSM.

All submissions should include author’s and co-authors’ – if any – ORCID (compulsory for all submissions since volume 5, issue 1, 2019).

Submit here (log-in to eReviewer online submission system):

Before submitting a manuscript, authors are advised to carefully read the Notes for Contributors and to adhere to all journal formatting and manuscript preparation requirements. In addition, authors should consult information about Journal Sections as well as about JTHSM Publication Ethics and Malpractice Policy and Peer-Review Policy & Process.


Manuscript Submission Guidelines (through eReviewer)

For submission of full research papers, research notes and case studies through the eReviewer online submission system, author(s) are requested to adopt the following guidelines:

  • Log-in to eReviewer online submission system. After successfully logging-in to your eReviewer account (or, if you do not already have one, after creating a new account with eReviewer), select to start the new submission process.
  • The manuscript to be submitted should be structured as following: a) First page should include the title, subtitle (if required), an abstract of not less than 150 and not more than 200 words (please see bellow Guidance on Writing Abstracts), and up to 5 keywords that identify article content. Do not include the author(s) details, affiliation(s), and biographies in this page. b) Subsequent pages: the paper should begin on the second page and should not subsequently reveal the title or authors. In these pages should be included the main body of text (including tables, figures and illustrations), list of references, appendixes, and endnotes (numbered consecutively). The author(s) should ensure that their names cannot be identified anywhere in the text.
  • While uploading your manuscript through eReviewer, select as “File type” the “Anonymous article file” option in the drop-down menu.
  • After uploading your manuscript as “Anonymous article file”, then upload a second file by selecting as “File type” the “Author biographies” option in the drop-down menu. In this file you should include: manuscript title, subtitle (if required), author(s)’ name(s) and surname(s), author(s)’ ORCID (compulsory for all submissions since volume 5, issue 1, 2019), author(s)’ affiliation(s), full postal address(es), and author(s)’e-mail address(es); please note that, respective names, affiliations, emails and addresses of all co-authors should be clearly indicated. Also, include a short biography of the author (about 25 words); in the case of co-author(s), the same details should also be included.
  • After uploading the “Author biographies”, then you may upload – if you wish – any additional files by selecting appropriate options in the drop-down menu.
  • Follow the instructions on eReviewer to finalise your submission.
  • All correspondence will be sent to the corresponding author (as indicated in eReviewer online submission system), unless otherwise indicated by author(s).