Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017
Evangelos Christou, Editor-in-Chief, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Anestis Fotiadis, Associate Editor, I-Shou University, Taiwan
Published online: 31 December 2017, JTHSM, 3(2), pp. i-ii.
This is the sixth publication of JTHSM (volume 3, issue 2), finishing its third year of publication. In previous issues, this journal presented original refereed papers, both conceptual and research-based, focused on various topics of tourism, heritage and services with emphasis in marketing and management. In volume 3, issue 2, we focus on furthering our scope and consolidating our position in both conceptual developments and practical applications in tourism, heritage and services through publication of another seven quality manuscripts; these include five refereed full papers.
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Travel Writing in Place Branding – A Case Study on Nantes
Charlie Mansfield, Plymouth University, United Kingdom
Published online: 31 December 2017, JTHSM, 3(2), pp. 1-7
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67074-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1209117
Abstract: One of the main channels to communicate city branding, designed to attract British tourists for short breaks, is the travel section of the UK national press. With many newspapers now online for readers to browse, city branders have an accessible source of data to evaluate how their offer is presented. In this research, a collection of travel articles is analysed into themes for comparison with the elements used in place branding. The analysis discovers that 3 key elements used by commercial and academic place branders are not covered by contributors to the travel sections of the UK national press. The study is extended to explore how practices from academic research can be used in place-making to address these gaps.
Keywords: Place Branding, Travel Writing, Nantes
JEL Classification: R41, M3, M19
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The paper titled “The contribution of partnership and branding to destination management in a globalized context: The case of the UNWTO Silk Road Programm” by Marios Sotiriadis and Shiwei Shen, 2017, JTHSM, 3(2), pp. 8-14, was found to be plagiarised.
The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article, in line with the Journal’s Publication Ethics & Malpractice Policy.
The religious tourism in Greece: Case study of Saint John the Russian in N. Evia
Aggeliki Chantziantoniou, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Panagiota Dionysopoulou, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Published online: 31 December 2017, JTHSM, 3(2), pp. 15-24
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67088-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1160590
Abstract: The prevailing political and economic conditions both in Greece and around the world determine the general development of all forms of tourism. The development of specific forms of tourism, such as that of religious tourism, gains tremendous interest in the present economic circumstances, as it is a factor in strengthening the national economy and at the same time a legacy for the future with enormous social, cultural and environmental significance. The development of a strategic approach to religious tourism can build on the comparative advantage of our country in this field by creating new tourist sites to attract tourists with intellectual pursuits and special interests. The Prefecture of Evia has a rich range of natural and cultural resources, with particular characteristics of beauty, uniqueness, and authenticity, elements that are required for the design and development of specific forms of tourism. In the case study on religious tourism in Saint John Russian in the Prefecture of Evia, an attempt is being made to explore the contribution of religious tourism to local development and the preconditions for the promotion of the pilgrimage of Saint John Russian to a major destination of religious and cultural interest of international scope. Additionally, an effort is made to highlight the importance of religious tourism as a special form of tourism that contributes to the development of areas hosting religious monuments. Identifying the opportunities and opportunities that exist, exploring its growth prospects and identifying emerging markets, dictates the formulation of policy proposals where combined with the existing specific forms of tourism it will show it as an essential factor in the systematic organization, exploitation and promotion of the Area.
Keywords: Tourism, religious tourism, religious motives, special forms of tourism
JEL Classification: Z32, Z33, M1
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Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Published online: 31 December 2017, JTHSM, 3(2), pp. 25-29
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67069-9, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1209125
Abstract: This paper examines the ways rural businesses can become attractive to millennials using the Internet and the social media. It has become evident that the prominent way to reach out to millennials is via social media accounts. Rural businesses need to use the personal relationships they develop with their customers and expand these relationships on social media. It is also apparent that traditional marketing fails to apply to small rural businesses, whereas influencer marketing becomes a valuable asset for tourism. The proposed model connects fame, image and activities with the Social Media influencer and the way the decision making of the millennials is influenced when choosing to visit a rural tourism destination.
Keywords: Rural tourism marketing, social media, influencer marketing, millennials
JEL Classification: L83, M1, O1
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Anastasia Spyridou, Technological University of Gdansk, Poland
Published online: 31 December 2017, JTHSM, 3(2), pp. 30-38
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67070-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1209129
Abstract: Purpose of this paper is to report on an investigation of the expected and perceived service quality at “all you can eat” restaurants in southern Taiwan. The findings of this study indicated that the service quality factors had a positive impact on overall customer satisfaction and revisiting intention. The results also showed that the “all you can eat” restaurant in Chiayi had a higher level for service related factors for “all you can eat” restaurants than Kaohsiung thus reflecting some regional differences in overall service quality. The analysis revealed a number of central and important properties attached to the consumption values associated with context of an “all you can eat” restaurant meal. Such insights can be of use to the management of restaurants in their efforts to improve the experience/quality for their customers and to increase customer loyalty. The consumer values identified here could also be used as suggestions concerning what to look for within more comprehensive empirical studies done in the future. This is the first study to are knowledge that examines “all you can eat” hospitality sector in Taiwan.
Keywords: All you can eat restaurant, Taiwan, Service Quality
JEL Classification: L15, L83, L84
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