For editorial questions or for any information about the Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, please contact with the Journal Manager at:
- Prof. Ioanna Simeli, Journal Manager, International Hellenic University, JTHSM Editorial Office, Program of Postgraduate Studies in Tourism Management, School of Economics & Business, P.O. Box 141, GR-57400, Thessaloniki, Greece. Phone: +30-2310-013450, E-mail:
For any other questions or for inquiries regarding submission of manuscripts (excluding Research Notes and Book Reviews), please contact with the Editor-in-Chief at:
- Prof. Evangelos Christou, International Hellenic University, School of Economics & Business, P.O. Box 141, GR-57400, Thessaloniki, Greece. Phone: +30-2310-013193, E-mail:
For questions or for inquiries regarding submission of Research Notes, please contact with the Research Notes Editor at:
- Prof. Marco Valeri, Niccolò Cusano University, Faculty of Economics, Don Gnocchi St, 00166 Rome, Italy. Phone: +39-06-4567-8350, E-mail:
For questions or for inquiries regarding submission of Book Reviews, please contact with the Book Reviews Editor at:
- Prof. Maximiliano E. Korstanje, University of Palermo, Department of Economics, St. Larrea 1079, 3 Floor, Capital Federal, Zip 1188, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone: +54-11-4964-4600, E-mail:
For submission of all types of manuscripts (full research papers, case studies, research notes and all other types of manuscripts) authors should use the eReviewer online submission system:
- Submit your manuscript through eReviewer