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“TiCoSa” a 3d matrix conceptual model to investigate visitors’ perceptions in an athletic event
Anestis Fotiadis, Zayed University, UAE
Russell Blair Williams, Zayed University, UAE
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 32-36.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66716-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490450
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Visitor behavior can determine athletic events structure making it an important consideration for managers. In this study visitor behavior is analyzed using a new managerial tool called “TiCoSa – Time, Cost, and Satisfaction Activity Blocks” which permits managers to see the time, cost and satisfaction distribution of visitor activities. Through this tool time periods were classified and used as a means of describing visitor flow and behavior in various time blocks within a day. Expenditure patterns were also identified in relation to specific cost blocks relating to the consumption of preferred products and services. Afterword satisfaction was evaluated for each attribute. The recording of information is achieved by a descriptive data collection instrument which reflects time, satisfaction and cost distribution of visitors’ activities. Data collection will be accomplished by means of a diary-type semi-structured questionnaire which will be administered in face- to-face interviews with visitors. Despite limitations, the present research provides useful suggestions for grouping visitor activities (i.e. based on time distribution analysis of activities), which could constitute a basis for better managerial decision making.
Time and cost, visitor satisfaction, 3D matrix, athletic events
JEL Classification:
C22, D24
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