Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018
Evangelos Christou, Editor-in-Chief, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 1-2.

This is the seventh publication of JTHSM (volume 4, issue 2), finishing its fourth year of publication. In previous issues, this journal presented original refereed papers, both conceptual and research-based, focused on various topics of tourism, heritage and services with emphasis in marketing and management. In volume 4, issue 2, we focus on furthering our scope and consolidating our position in both conceptual developments and practical applications in tourism, heritage and services through publication of another six quality manuscripts.
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Sustainable Tourism Development and Climate Change: A Supply-Side Perspective
Giacomo Del Chiappa, University of Sassari, Italy
Stefano Usai, University of Cagliari, Italy
Antonio Cocco, University of Cagliari, Italy
Marcello Atzeni, University of Cagliari, Italy
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 3-9.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66718-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490348

Abstract: This paper presents and discusses findings of research carried out on a sample of 141 tourism stakeholders with two tourism destinations located in Sardinia, Italy. Specifically, it investigates: (1) the priorities that respondents consider essential to attain sustainability and competitiveness for their business and the destination as a whole, (2) the main barriers to tourism sustainability and (3) their attitude towards climate change and its influence on tourism. Our contribution to the literature, along with managerial implications, is discussed and suggestions for future research are given.
Keywords: Supply-side perspective, tourism sustainability, destination competitiveness, barriers, climate change
JEL Classification: Q01, Q56, Z32
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Associating Facebook Measurable Activities with Personality Traits: A Fuzzy Sets Approach
Nikolaos Misirlis, University of Macedonia, Greece
George Lekakos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Maro Vlachopoulou, University of Macedonia, Greece
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 10-16.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66488-1, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490360

Abstract: In this study we identify potential associations between people’s personality (utilizing the popular Big Five personality model) and measurable Facebook activities such as number of likes received, number of posts, number of comments on posts. Extant literature suggests that personality can be manifested through different features of the Facebook profiles but under an implicit assumption that those users may belong in a single psychographic group. However, it has been shown that people may share characteristics, common acts and behaviors of more than one psychographic group. In this study we aim to address limitations of previous studies, by adopting a fuzzy set approach which is capable to handle users’ membership in multiple psychographic groups. Furthermore, fsQCA offers equifinality, which means that research can end up to the same outcome, beginning from different initial combinations of data. The work presented here provides empirical evidence concerning the association between Facebook activities and users’ personalities in a novel way indicating the significance of this relationship and providing alternative combinations that lead to the same output. Furthermore, it paves the ground towards predicting social platforms’ measurements, other than Facebook, relying on users’ personalities, using the same technique but on different fields of study and social media platforms.
Keywords: Big Five; fsQCA; Facebook; personality traits; Facebook measurements
JEL Classification: C8, L82, L86
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Revisiting Employee – Guest Interactions in Hotels: An Analysis of Critical Incidents
Özgür Devrim Yilmaz, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 17-23.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66429-4, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490400

Abstract: The study was conducted to find out the positive and/or negative effects that hotel employees may have upon hotel guests’ experiences during their stay. Using the critical incident technique (CIT), data were obtained from 105 guests (a total of 174 incidents) staying in two different 5-star hotels that have similar characteristics in terms of type, price, ownership and concept in Bodrum, Turkey. The incidents were primarily categorized as positive and negative and afterward the incidents from two categories were compared to each other in terms of three main process of hotel accommodation as check-in, accommodation and check-out. Despite the fact that most hotels currently place emphasis on employee-guest interactions –under the concept of service quality or customer satisfaction-, the findings revealed that there were still a number of negative incidents that caused customer dissatisfaction and managerial implications were needed in hotels to minimize negative incidents and maximize the positive ones.
Keywords: Tacit Knowledge, Emotional Intelligence, Hotel, and Human Resources Management
JEL Classification: J24, L8, O15
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Study on The Impact of Socio-Economic Crisis on Greek Wellness Tourists’ Spending Behavior
Tavlikou A. Evangelia, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Assimakopoulos Costas, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 24-31.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66428-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490419

Abstract: As most of the sectors of the world economy, tourism has also been affected by the global economic crisis and the resulting social redeployment. This global socio-economic situation, since 2010, has exerted additional pressure on the mental health and physical condition of people who are increasingly looking for new ways of relaxation and rejuvenation. The present study aims to investigate the impact of the current socio-economic crisis on the behavior and attitude of Greek wellness tourists. Quantitative research was conducted using a structured questionnaire on a sample size of 452 wellness tourists in totally 10 spas at Crete, Kos, Lefkada and Thessaloniki. The survey compared the spending behavior of respondents before 2010 and today. The findings of the survey show that although the behavior of Greeks as consumers is being negatively affected by the economic downturn, there is positive intention to continue using and spending on wellness services. In addition, results indicate the existence of positive attitude towards wellness tourism as a means of health promotion and enhancement. Proposals for further research are suggested.
Keywords: Wellness tourism, consumer behavior, socio-economic crisis
JEL Classification: A14, H12
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“TiCoSa” a 3d matrix conceptual model to investigate visitors’ perceptions in an athletic event
Anestis Fotiadis, Zayed University, UAE
Russell Blair Williams, Zayed University, UAE
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 32-36.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66716-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490450

Abstract: Visitor behavior can determine athletic events structure making it an important consideration for managers. In this study visitor behavior is analyzed using a new managerial tool called “TiCoSa – Time, Cost, and Satisfaction Activity Blocks” which permits managers to see the time, cost and satisfaction distribution of visitor activities. Through this tool time periods were classified and used as a means of describing visitor flow and behavior in various time blocks within a day. Expenditure patterns were also identified in relation to specific cost blocks relating to the consumption of preferred products and services. Afterword satisfaction was evaluated for each attribute. The recording of information is achieved by a descriptive data collection instrument which reflects time, satisfaction and cost distribution of visitors’ activities. Data collection will be accomplished by means of a diary-type semi-structured questionnaire which will be administered in face- to-face interviews with visitors. Despite limitations, the present research provides useful suggestions for grouping visitor activities (i.e. based on time distribution analysis of activities), which could constitute a basis for better managerial decision making.
Keywords: Time and cost, visitor satisfaction, 3D matrix, athletic events
JEL Classification: C22, D24
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Abderrahim Chenini, University of Ghardaia, Algeria
Mustapha Touaiti, University of Ghardaia, Algeria
Published online: 15 November 2018, JTHSM, 4(2), pp. 37-43.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66717-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490491

Abstract: Regardless of the value of destination loyalty in both academia and industry, the conceptual development of literature is restricted. This present work seeks to build up a holistic conceptual framework responds to how tourist perception, destination image, satisfaction, and often related attributes can play the main role in destination loyalty. By analyzing the above crucial factors and highlight its implication in destination loyalty. In addition, provide insight into the creation of destination image and in further stage tourist loyalty. The holistic conceptual framework is developed within this research endeavour. The conceptual framework is articulated as one might hope based on tourist demand and supply factors and tourist perception, destination image (organic, induced, and complex image), and the above crucial factors comprising tourist loyalty and how each one of them can be more interactive. The outcomes of the study achieve remarkable theoretical and managerial implications for destination marketing supervisors.
Keywords: Tourist satisfaction, Cognitive image, Destination image, Destination loyalty
JEL Classification: M31, Z32, Z33
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