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Marketing issues of sustainable tourism development in Russian regions

Marina Y. Sheresheva, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Anna N. Polukhina, Volga State University of Technology, Russia, Matvey S. Oborin, The Perm Institute of Plekhanov Russian University, Russia
Published online: 30 January 2020, JTHSM, 6(1), pp.33-38.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-66294-4, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3603422

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Sheresheva, M. Y., Polukhina, A. N., & Oborin, M. S. (2020). Marketing issues of sustainable tourism development in Russian regions. Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 6(1), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3603422

Marketing Issues of Sustainable Tourism Development in Russian Regions


Purpose: This paper aims to provide a better understanding of marketing issues relevant to sustainable tourism development. Marketing issues are of crucial importance for Russian regions with unique landscapes and many small towns with their ancient churches, original local museums, and other attractions.

Methods: A questionnaire survey of 213 locals was performed, to analyze the prospects of positioning the Mari El Republic as an attractive tourism destination for rural and ethno-tourism, taking in account the unique character of the Mari settlements in terms of history, culture, and ecology, as well as the need to preserve local traditions and culture.

Results: The main obstacle for sustainable tourism development in the Russian regions examined, is the lack of prominence and absence of right market positioning. For the Mari El Republic as one of the most prospective sustainable tourism destinations in Russia, ethno-tourism concept, based on preserving paganism, the traditional religion of the Mari people, can become a solid basis for positioning.

Implications: Research presented here sheds light on the Russian tourism market diversity, as well as on uniqueness of small Russian towns and villages as attractive destinations for cultural, heritage, and ecology tourism. It also underlines the need to understand socio-cultural aspects of tourism destinations to ensure positive impact on local communities that are the most important stakeholders in destination marketing.


Tourism, marketing, sustainable tourism, small settlements, culture, destination development, Russia

JEL Classification:

M31, Q01, Z32

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