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Tourism multipliers in the Mexican economy
Antonio Kido-Cruz, University Michoacana de san Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico
Published online: 12 Dec 2016, JTHSM, 2(2), pp. 11-16
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67175-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.376342
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This paper presents an analysis of the multiplier impact generated by the tourism sector in Mexico in the year 2013. The importance of studying this sector, in particular, lies in its contribution to the National GDP of over 8% and in its promising development based on services’ quality and the preferred destination of the developed countries. In addition, it is proposed to simulate the multiplier impact that will generate two current events, as they are, the construction of the new International Airport of Mexico and the increase of the investment in Fibers. The results were very punctual, a better distribution of the investment is generated, it is invested in the tourism sector, mainly in variables such as value added and remuneration.
Multiplier effect, production, employment, value added, tourism
JEL Classification:
L83, M1, O1
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